empcontracting.ca Inc. hiring process

Is open to all resumes and to the best person jobs are given.  We hire and give jobs to the best for that position with no preferance for race or religion, but to persons that are honest, hard working, edjucated and ambiteious persons - with hearts of gold and good work ethic no matter who they are or where on Earth they come from!


We are a business and people from any walk of life can apply for jobs regardless of thier descripitive dialogue.   We are interested in people that are willing to work in teams and alone no matter where they are, and put in the hours they claim to have worked or billed for.  Our contractors and sub teams are not held by any audience preferance either and we are not solective based on any type of descriminating factor and do not look at peoples; race, gender, ethnic preference or origin for hiring process merret.


Job openings